Mysteries : not realveled till now

What Happened To Frederick Valentich?
Frederick Valentich was 20 years old in October 1978, when he flew a Cessna 182L light aircraft towards King Island, Australia. As he flew over the Bass Strait, he stayed in touch with Melbourne Air Traffic Control until their communication was cut by a strange noise.
During the radio transmission, Valentich made frequent mention of “a strange aircraft hovering on top of me.” He tells the controller, “It is hovering and it is not an aircraft,” and describes the object further by saying, “Delta Sierra Juliet – Melbourne. It seems like it’s (stationary) or (chasing me). What I’m doing right now is orbiting, and the thing is just orbiting on top of me also … It’s got a green light, and sort of metallic (like). It’s all shiny (on) the outside.”
Over on the shoreline, plumber Ray Manifold had set up a time lapse camera in a bid to catch the sun dropping over the horizon. When the photos were developed, an object travelling at speed was seen to come out of the water, and witnesses interviewed by the Scientific Journal of Exploration reported an “erratically moving green light” in the sky at the same time Valentich was in the air.
Frederick Valentich’s conversation with Melbourne ATC was the last anyone ever heard of him. He and his aircraft simply vanished into thin air, prompting Adelaide researcher Keith Basterfield to state after 34 years of investigation “”The only thing we can say for sure is that the plane and pilot disappeared while he was describing a UFO – which is one of those things that just makes people wonder.”
Overtoun Bridge
The beautiful Overtoun Bridge in Dumbarton, Scotland has a grisly history. Built in 1859, the bridge has become known as “The Dog Suicide Bridge,” referring to up to 600 dogs that have leapt from its parapet in the last 50 years. The dogs all jumped in the same direction from the same point of the bridge, plunging 50 feet to the rocks below. Dogs that have survived the drop have been known to repeat their dive again, resulting in the second fall killing them.
Theories abound as to what is causing the dogs to leap from the bridge, with supernatural forces, depression transmitted from owner to pet, dogs willingly and intentionally committing suicide, and a scent from under the bridge drawing them to their deaths being the main reasons discussed.
Raining Blood in India
During the 2001 monsoon season, residents of Kerala in southern India were bewildered by a blood red rain that fell between July 25 and September 23. Loud thunder was followed by trees shedding leaves with a shrivelled and burnt appearance, and deluges of crimson water stained the land and the clothes of locals.
Scientists concluded that algae spores were responsible for the unusual colouring and the matter was closed until 2006, when the rain returned. A 2008 theory from two Mahatma Gandhi University researchers hypothesized that “The mysterious red colour in the rain is caused by unidentified life form that does not have DNA….The molecular composition of these cells is yet to be identified.” The rain caused further concern on its most recent visit in 2012.

God father !


The number of sperm that could be fit into an aspirin capsule would be enough to repopulate the earth to its present numbers.

8 Fact's About Bill Gates

  •  Bill Gates earns $250 every SECOND, that's about $20 million a DAY and $7.8 billion a YEAR!
  •  If he drops a thousand dollars, he won't even bother to pick it up
  • because in the 4 seconds it takes to pick it up, he would have already earned it back.
  •  U.S's national debt is about$5.62 trillion. If Bill Gates wants to pay the debt by himself; he will finish it in less then 10 years.
  •  He can donate $15 to everyone on earth and still be left with $5 million for his pocket money.
  •  Michael Jordan is the highest paid athlete in the U.S. If he doesn't drink and eat, and keep his annual income at $30 million, he'll have to wait for 277 years to become as rich as Bill Gates is today.
  •  If Bill Gates were a country, he will be the 37th richest country on earth.
  •  If you change all of Bill Gate's money to $1 bills, you can make a road from earth to moon 14 times back and forth. But you will have to make that road non-stop for 1400 years, and use a total of 713 BOEING 747 planes to transport all the money.
  •  Bill Gates will be 42 this year. If we assume that he still can live for another 35 years, he has to spend $6.78 million per day to finish his money before his death.

Wanna listen music ?

According to the National Institute of Health, wearing headphones for just one hour increases the bacteria level in your ear 700 times.
For those who share headphones, the news is even worse.
Because colonies of germs lurk inside and on the edge, headphones rank high on the list of things that should never be shared, right up there with tissues, hairbrushes and contact lenses. One study featured in the Online Journal of Health and Allied Services found that sharing headphones is one way to pass potentially illness causing germs from one person to another.

Heart of blue whale

Heart of blue whale weighs 600 kilograms and is the largest known in any animal. A blue whale's aorta (the main blood vessel) is large enough for a human to crawl through.

Free oxygen for us.

It costs 38 Trillion dollars to create OXYGEN for 6 months for all Human beings on earth. “TREES DO IT FOR FREE” Save Green and Save Earth.

James Bond has killed ..............

James Bond has killed 150 men and has slept with 44 women since the first movie came out in 1962.