We usually perceive vampires as nightmarish, supernatural creatures prone to bloodlust and able to strike terror into the hearts of all who encounter them. Sufferers of a disease called vampire disease, or porphyria to use its real name, may have found in less enlightened times that they were misunderstood or even disbelieved by people associating the condition with the spectres of the night. It seems clear that legends of vampires may well have come from exaggerated accounts of meetings with or glimpses of porphyria victims.

Did you know that if a man takes a pregnancy test and ...

Did you know that if a man takes a pregnancy test and ...

8 Super Interesting Facts About Bob Marley

1. The small Jamaican village of Nine Mile, situated in Saint Ann Parish, counts Bob Marley as its most famous son. Born on February 6th 1945, Bob was the product of a somewhat unlikely relationship between a young village woman and a captain of the British Navy. Bob’s mother Cedella was considerably younger than his father Norval Sinclair Morley, a captain of the British Navy.
Perhaps this difference in age, as well as Norval being white and Cedella black, led to the disapproval of Cedella’s family, and even their marriage in 1945 did little to appease those who were not in favour of the union. Norval continued to support the family financially following the end of the relationship, but this was the extent of his role in Bob’s life and from the age of 5 onwards, Bob did not see his father at all.

10 Strange Things Your Body Does

1. Everybody’s body produces roughly two to four pints of saliva per day. On average, throughout your lifetime, you will have produced enough saliva to fill up two whole swimming pools.
2. Has it ever crossed your mind, why tissues are prone to tearing. This is due to the force of your sneeze which usually exceed 100 mph.
3. Some people hate the sound of others cracking their knuckles but what most people don’t know is what actually causes that distinctive sound. The noise created is due to the gas bubbles within the joint exploding.

Some Ordinary Foods That Can Actually Kill Your Pet

While tortilla chips and guacamole may be delicious, you should be very hesitant to share this treat with your pet, as avocados contain a chemical compound called persin, which can be potentially fatal to canines, whose digestive system isn’t as compatible.
In fact, there are several forms of fauna such as leaves, bark, and even certain fruits, and in some cases, a significant amount of persin can cause an allergic reaction in humans.
While we all have to admit that tuna and cats fit like Tom and Jerry, feeding your feline friend a steady diet of tuna can be very dangerous. Due to its low vitamin count and packaging, this fishy can cause malnutrition and even mercury poisoning! Sometimes it’s best to adhere to old motto: Never order the fish.

Did you know that a psychology study suggests that when you’re single


What your feet can tell you about your health

Everyone suffers from the occasional pain of cramp in the foot, but recurring symptoms can be a warning sign that you’re low on some vital minerals. The most likely culprits are calcium, magnesium and potassium, and the chance of suffering from a deficiency is higher in heavily pregnant women.
Concave nails
Toenails which curve or dent inwards like a spoon can be an indicator of iron deficiency, known as anaemia. Heavy periods and stomach ulcers are just two of the causes of anaemia, while other symptoms of the condition are cold feet and brittle nails.