During World War II, Nobuo Fujita, formerly Japanese pilot, was the main participant of the Lookout Air Raids.
The Lookout Air Raids attack was the second time the continental United States was bombed by an enemy aircraft! It all occurred on September 9th, 1942, at the mountains of Oregon, which are located near to Brookings.
Twenty years after the attack. Fujita was invited back to Brookings, where he served as a Grand Marshal for a local festival. He presented his family’s 400-year old samurai sword as a symbol of regret. He also did many other great things for the locals; such as inviting some students to Japan and planting a tree were he dropped the bomb at.
He was made an honorary citizen of Brooking several days before his death at age 85. His daughter even left some of Fujita’s ashes at the bomb site.